Elemental Ark
Taming creatures
Tired of using tranqs or want more creative ways of knocking creatures unconscious? These creatures have high torpor abilities. So when your ammo is low, try one of these instead.
Stone wyvern - their stone breath deals incredible raid torpor (e.g. Titanosaurs and Rock Golems)
Poison wyvern - their poison breath explodes into a cloud of noxious sleeping gas
Pachy - Stone pachys deal raid torpor. Nature Pachy's deal very high torpor with their attacks.
Nature variants of these have noxious sleeping gas infused into their spores.
Fen variants of these spawn bushes and trees with their secondary and ternary attacks. These plants cause a high amount of torpor, but also a high amount of damage. They may be useful for taming much stronger creatures - or putting a bunch of them to sleep for some peace and quiet.
Glowtails - nature variants of these leave behind pools of noxious poison.
Featherlights - nature variants of these leave behind clouds of noxious poison.
Owls - nature variants of these can hug creatures to sleep.
Chalicos - nature variants of these deal an incredible amount of torpor damage with their ranged attacks. Unfortunately, their ranged attacks also deal an incredible amount of damage.
Beezles - nature variants of these deal a very high amount of torpor damage with their tongue-lash attack
Tusoteuthis - Fen variants of these deal higher torpor when cuddling a creature. Be careful as they can also cuddle friendly players and creatures as well.