Elemental Ark
Several structures have been created to help survive the influx of elemental anomalies.
Elemental forge
This forge is just like a normal forge, but slightly more efficient, smaller, and can make crystallized element.
Elemental industrial forge
This forge is also just like its normal counterpart, but moderately more efficient, much smaller, and can also make crystallized element.
Alchemy table
Combine essence to create many types of resources.
Synthesis table
Fuse together multiple elemental resources into complex resources and items.
Weaponry and armor can be made here.
Creature attractors
These devices often have some combination of chemicals and resources to draw out rare creatures.
With essence extracted from your friendly elemental creatures, this structure can infuse items that force the manifestation of elemental creatures that would otherwise not exist.
Additionally, this table can fuse pure essences into hybrid essences. The hybrid essences are needed for powerful hybrid elemental creatures.
Hybrid pure essence combinations include...
Fire and Water
Ice and Stone
Air and Lightning
Water and Nature
Note: the infuser will be unavailable while crafting hybrid essences.
Note: Hybrid elements have a slight chance to mutate.
Infusion chamber
By placing non-elemental creatures and adding the required amount of elemental materials, creatures can be forced into their elemental forms.
Uses omnicrystals to focus nearby latent essence into the main chamber. Place essence, luminescent essence, and/or crystals inside to create Element.
Note: Requires all elements of essence, luminescent essence, or crystals.
Put Elemental Jerboas and large light pets inside to save space and generate essence.
Using the radial menu, click "Collect" to gather all nearby jerboas and large lantern pets.
To release the lantern pets, transfer their container back to your inventory and use them.
The amount of essence generated is almost equal to what would be generated if they were not in the vivarium.
Elemental turrets (Fen, Glacial, Storm, Vapor)
Ensure they have Tek or Energy Emitter power supplied.
Drop some luminescent hybrid essence (make sure you match the essence with the turret) in them.
Turn them on and configure - same configuration abilities as Tek Turret.
Energy Emitter (wireless power supply)
Put it somewhere convenient.
Get your lightning allies near to it.
They will focus their unused energy into the emitter which will create an electromagnetic, wireless power supply.
The more lightning types nearby, the larger the range. Larger creatures can contribute more capacitance.
Mantis lure
Placing one of these will attract omni-elemental mantises. In order to manifest, they must consume a nearby creature. So make sure you use them in areas where there are creatures that you do not want to tame.
Jerboa lure
Filled with sweet and sour elemental berries tends to send these jerboa into an excited frenzy. Once again, in order to manifest, they need a creature as a host. So make sure you use them in areas with creatures. Fortunately, they do not kill their host.
Glowlight lure
What better way to attract glow pets than to erect a giant glowlight lightbulb? These, too, require a creature as a host in order to manifest. They do not kill their host afterwards, though.