Elemental Ark
Many potions can be created from elemental essence. Additionally, canteens can be filled (and refilled) with elemental essence as well.
Air potions / canteen
These greatly increase the imbiber's jumping strength and nullifies falling damage for a short time.
Fire potions / canteen
Imbibing a fire potion will increase one's attack power.
Ice potions / canteen
Drinking an ice potion will greatly increase the imbiber's hyperthermic resistance.
Lightning potions / canteen
If you want a major boost to running speed, slam one of these.
Nature potions / canteen
Have a disease or are preparing for a boss battle? Drink one of these to increase your regeneration.
Water potions / canteen
Drinking one of these will allow you to breathe under water and swim faster for a short period of time.
Health potions
Drinking one of these will restore a certain amount of health immediately. Due to their toxicity, they cannot be consumed constantly.
Experience potions
Drinking one of these will elighten the embiber immediately.
Essence emitter
While not a potion (more of a cologne), spraying this on a creature or player will force elemental manifestation upon nearby wild creatures. The process takes some time, but the environment around the creature will affect which element is strongest.
It is a thin colorless, tasteless sheen. You won't even notice that you are covered in it - well, except for the explosions of energy every few seconds. Oh and the creatures around you popping like giant kernels of popcorn.
If a creature shimmers, then it has been influenced by the emitter. In most cases, it will eventually transform. Sometimes, it will not - and for a few reasons, like...
If the creature has no elemental variant.
If the creature has no elemental variant for this environment.
It just doesn't want to.