Elemental Ark
Rock drakes
While most rock drakes that have been afflicted by an elemental affinity only benefit from the affinity itself, the stone rock drake has gained the ability to efficiently harvest metal and stone - much like a doed-anky. Rock drakes can also be convinced to mentor tiny wyverns.
Daeodons afflicted by an elemental affinity require much less food and provide slightly better healing.
Dilo spit will not only blind its target, but will also leave behind a pool of its element that damages any that encroach.
Snow owls
Snow owls that are afflicted by an element other than ice now have special abilities. Air elementals can blast nearby foes away. Nature elementals can "hug" their enemies to sleep while healing nearby allies.
Rexes that have been afflicted have breath attacks in addition to their roars. Fire elementals will set its enemies aflame. Air elementals will blast its enemies away. Stone elementals will taunt all nearby creatures.
The griffin divebomb height requirement has been reduced and their divebomb strength has been increased. They will also perform divebomb attacks with a ridden griffin. Additionally, feel free to look at your map when diving.
Ice and water elemental argentavis' can swim with the fishes. Stone has greatly reduced inventory weight on most resources and can harvest stone/metal. Air can carry much larger creatures than any other argentavis.
Ice wyverns
Beware their ice breath - it can freeze almost anything solid (excluding fire and ice elementals).
Stone wyverns
Stone wyverns can harvest much like a Dunkleosteus. Additionally, they can launch boulders that can cause concussions to even the largest creatures. Jim loves using them for knocking out titanosaurs and karkinos.
Managarmrs afflicted by ice elemental affinity have greatly reduced stamina consumption for flight and breath. In other words, they're actually useful, now.
Gasbags afflicted by air elemental affinity have greatly reduced stamina consumption, slower drain on gas, and no falling damage.
Water basilosaurus are not affected by deep water and prefer it as a habitat.
They change element depending on the element type of the weapon they equip. Lure them with a mantis lure - it can be crafted from mantis pheromone. Mantis pheromone comes from squishing mantises with golems.
Karkinos spawn in the wild as pure hybrid glacials. Glacial karkinos can harvest stone with their right claw and metal with their left.
Carnos gradually gain speed as they run and deal speed proportional damage with their ram attack.
Ravagers spawn in the wild as pure hybrids. Fen ravagers spew a slowly moving ball that will heal allies and root enemies. Storm ravagers bark ball lightning and take no falling damage.
Our engineers have determined how to replicate a vapor variant of the Magmasaur. It can be found on the infuser. During tests, it was noted that this variant was much faster, durable, and agile than normal Magmasaurs. Furthermore, it was also able to use its breath underwater, boiling the water around it. They also noticed that it carried metal, wood, and crystal as if it were nothing and its forge burned much hotter.
Discovery of the ability to infuse Enforcers was actually accidental. Jerry, one of our field scientists was running away from an Enforcer on extinction. As he ran past his infuser (which by the way, was placed out by itself away from his camp - way to go Jerry), the Enforcer stopped and consumed it. What happened next was incredible and slightly sad. The Enforcer seemed to adapt to what it had consumed - just some pure Storm essence. That was the amazing part. The sad part is actually kind if good news too. Let's just say Jerry won't be leaving his tools outside his camp anymore. Technically Jerry won't be doing much of anything anymore. What we're trying to say is Jerry is everywhere - no seriously, that Enforcer ripped him to shreds.
Enforcers not only can port and move quicker, but they actually seem to boost elemental resistance of all of their allies.
As if Basilisks weren't bad enough. Now we have to deal with two hybrid variants? Jerry II (no relation) discovered a Fen variant while picking daisies (seriously Jerry?). Anyway, he didn't report this to us, but another nearby scientist (who was recording Jerry II on his phone) caught sight of it. Trees spawned from the ground and Jerry II was instantly sleeping - and then instantly eaten. As our observing scientist was fleeing the scene, he claims he saw meteorites raining from the sky. Take it for what it is, Jerry III (also no relation - our intel shows that everyone sent to Aberration was named Jerry) was obviously pretty shaken up.
Basilisks come in two variants: Fen and Vapor. Fen can spawn trees around it that deliver high torpor damage. Vapor can rain flaming masses from the skies down upon anything in front of them.
Maewings infused with elemental affinity can be found roaming in the wild. After they are tamed, they have been known to provide beneficial effects to all nearby players and creatures. Nature variants feed and imprint. Fire and ice maewings warm and cool everyone nearby respectively. Air maewings refill oxygen.
Wild stryders may randomly infused with a hybrid affinity. Fen and Glacial stryders will usually equipment to help gathering equipped. Storm and Vapor stryders will usually have offensive and defensive equipment.
Wild shadowmanes have now started appearing with hybrid affinities. None of their basic behavior has changed except when they charge. Upon landing a pounce from a charge, they will leave behind a small amount of their essence to further damage or negatively affect their target. Just ask Jerry V (still, no relation) about what happened to Jerry IV (in this case, admittedly, was Jerry V's second step brother).
Elemental troodons are some of the few species that are actually weakened by elemental affinity. Their combat abilities are greater than their non-infused relatives, but unlike their relatives, they can be tamed by knocking them out. This was discovered after a group of them were put to sleep by the constant complaints of one of our more obnoxious explorers.
Gachas constantly consume everything around them. So it is no surprise that some of them were able to consume things from all of the elements. These omni-elemental gachas can be seen in the wild, are not aggressive, and other creatures tend to leave them alone. Feeding them various qualities / tiers of elemental resources and items will yield elemental resources / equipment.