Elemental Ark
Golems have been seen as both single and multi-elemental creatures. Observed variants are storm, fen, and glacial. They are the master of creature loot items because they can crush additional loot out of them (for instance, mantis pheromone and deino dust).
Normal rock golems can give you their core once tamed. Removing their core kills them. So use this option wisely.
All hybrid elemental golems hate fliers. Any fliers near them will be pursued by a fast moving projectile of their element.
Additionally, all golems shift their weaknesses between their base elements. Attacking them with an element that they are currently strong against will cause them to absorb the damage as energy. After enough energy has been absorbed, it will be released in a devastating explosion.
Storm golems are a combination of Air and Lightning. They throw storms and can cause high impulse tornadoes with their spin attack. They do not naturally appear in the wild. However, killing normal golems may cause them to make an appearance - especially during a storm.
Fen golems are a combination of Nature and Water, can be found in swampy areas, and like to disguise themselves as foliage. They can throw trees which explode into puddle of acid that drains creatures health. They also have 90% weight reduction on wood/grass/berry resources.
Glacial golems are a combination of Ice and Stone, can be found in the most dangerous of places, and like to disguise themselves as glacial rocks. They throw spires of ice and taunt creatures nearby. They also have 90% weight reduction on stone/crystal based resources.
Vapor golems are a combination of Fire and Water, can be found in jungle areas, and like to disguise themselves as obsidian. They throw ashy fireballs and reduce damage of creatures that are hit. They can also be used as a portable forge / grill.