Elemental Ark
Furies can be obtained by defeating Wraths in combat. Upon dying, they will drop a dusk or dawn fury.
Should one fury draw power from another, it will become furious. Furious furies' attacks can cause ripples in the daylight - some of which may be substantial enough to draw the attention of pure Fury.
Pure furies are able to utilize any combination of all of the elements at a whim. We were able to interview a sole survivor that was able to escape after distracting the fury with a squeaky toy.
There are 7 stages - each with their own strategy.
Water / Ice: During this phase, its skin will turn scaly and its eyes crystal blue. It will first attempt to soak its victims with its breath; following up shortly after with a burst of ice. Any soaked creatures will be frozen instantly.
Fire / Stone: During this phase, its skin will become molten rock and its eyes a fiery orange. It will attempt to impale its enemies with stone spikes from the ground before sending out a huge explosion of fire.
Our survivor was able to prevent incineration by hiding behind one of the stone spires. Although, he still shudders at the sight of one of his teammates being impaled by it.
Lightning / Nature: Furies do not seem to like using nature. They may cough up some of their incoming, spore-filled breath before spewing it all over their victims. Should a creature fall victim to this breath, they will be bound to the earth by large roots. To make matters worse, the fury will then summon a gigantic ball of lightning. All rooted creatures will take significantly more damage.
Watch for the purple eyes and bluish/purple body.
Air: Of all phases, this one seems the most forgiving. It will summon large tornadoes around the battle field. Any creature caught in their path will suffer high impulse and reduced attack efficiency. The furies mainly like this element due to how it makes their skin golden.
Glacial / Storm: If you have made it this far, then prepare to be chilled and then electrocuted. The fury will spawn several small lightning conduit spires around the battle field. Being within range of one of these will cause victims to become conduits to the storm it summons.
Be wary of the piercing blue eyes and purple scales.
Vapor / Fen: The fury will change its scales to a bluish hue, but be surrounded in fire. Beware the leaf golems that the fury summons. While they are not the most adept at combat, they will rejuvenate the fury and decrease its incoming damage.
Furious: The fury has had enough of playful combat. It will shift its scales back to solid white or black. If you like buffets, this phase is for you. Be prepared for any of the attacks from the previous phases.