Elemental Ark
Elemental Avengers will drop an egg of their element upon defeat. This egg is incredibly resistant to temperature affects and can easily be hatched anywhere. The hatchling will be a tiny elemental wyvern. Once fully grown, they can be used as shoulder pets which provide the wearer with a quadruple xp buff and an elemental benefit. Alternatively, they make great bomber type pets.
They can currently grow into their next form (juvenile) by either placing them near a wyvern or rock drake of the same element or feeding them incarnate meat.
Once they have acquired enough affinity, there will be an option on their interaction menu to grow. This option will not appear if they are mounted on or following a creature. Once the process begins, it can be cancelled by interacting with them again, mounting them on a creature, or being ordered to follow something.
After they have finished growing, they will become a juvenile. Juveniles can barely fly due to their higher weight-to-size and will always attempt to land as soon as possible (if flying). They cannot be ridden for the same reasons. Their breath weapon is equivalent (albeit weaker) than their ancestors as well.
Note: On rare occasions, juveniles can be a bit reluctant to land after being forced to fly. If they decide to fly in circles, seemingly aimlessly, shoot them with the "Force Land" function of the utility gun.
In order to grow into their adolescent form, the juveniles must train with counter elements. When they are near one of their counter element types, a fist icon of their element color will appear below their name. Creatures slain while paired will increase each of their understanding of their counter element. As they gain understanding, their counter element will start to influence their appearance. Once they are ready to grow and are close to their mate, both elements will appear on both of them. They can then be told to grow from the radial menu (ensure they are not following anything). Growing can be cancelled from the radial menu or by telling one of them to follow.
Note: upon growth completion, both juveniles will merge into an Adolescent. The type created depends on their counter element.
There are four known adolescent variants.
Fen adolescents are formed from water and nature types. Their breath heals nearby allies and damages nearby enemies.
Glacial adolescents are formed from stone and ice types. Their breath will deal raid torpor and convince their target to focus their attacks on them.
Storm adolescents are formed from lightning and air types. Their breath will deal high amounts of damage and they move much faster than the other elements.
Vapor adolescents are formed from fire and water types. Their breath will deal moderate damage. All enemies affected by it will partially blinded - reducing the amount of damage they deal.
While the natural peak of the dragon's strength was at what we refer to as adolescent, we have learned how to make them even more fearsome by combining them with xenomorphs (or reapers, as they are commonly known). When an adolescent consumes the prepared flesh of a reaper and is bathed in glow-light, they gain the ability to adapt to have the benefits of them.
The variants remain the same - as well as the make-up of the base creature. However, its breath attack is much stronger, it can burrow, carry creatures, and (unlike xenomorphs) chargelight strengthens them.
New projectile breath attacks. They stick to their victims and deal damage over time*
*Except the fen xeno. While fen's breath will harm its victims it will also heal its allies.
Burrowing protects them from attracting enemies and allows for ease of mobility around a base.
The new xeno-adults can carry creatures that are of the size of a rex or smaller.
They have also gained a spin attack, much like the reapers that influenced them. Instead of knocking their enemies back, they prefer to bathe them in flames.
Control (default key binding for keyboard melee attack) performs spin attack.
Gather reaper flesh. Create reaper steak on the synthesis table. Feed an adolescent the steak and bathe them in glow-light. Upon consuming enough charge, the option to grow will appear on the radial menu.