Elemental Ark
As the name implies, these creatures avenge the exploitation of light pets. One can be summoned by combining a large amount of luminescent essence and placing it. These are meant to be intermediate bosses. They also drop a tiny wyvern pet that can be grown into an avenger of your own.
Air elemental avengers draw air and expel it - sending all nearby creatures sprawling.
Fire elemental avengers turn random creatures into bombs. A large amount of smoke can be seen among the chosen victims. After a short amount of time the victim will be surrounded by flames.
Ice elemental avengers freeze their enemies with their breath.
Lightning avengers summon storm clouds. Any creatures standing beneath the cloud will take high amounts of lightning damage.
Nature elementals deal high torpor damage with each attack and release their minions to help release enslaved creatures.
Stone avengers will sometimes start to glare. Facing the creature when the glare ends will cause a debuff that does high damage. It is advised to turn away from them when they glare.
Water elemental avengers' breath causes their enemies to take a higher amount of damage.